Board Positions - Nominations open in the fall for the following year:
There are also many Committees you can serve on. The Chair positions are listed below:
***Open positions
If you are interested in serving on or Chairing any of the above committees, please contact us at [email protected]
- Immediate Past President (automatic succession)
- President
- Vice President
- Vice President Communications
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Two (2) Members-at-Large
There are also many Committees you can serve on. The Chair positions are listed below:
- Block Captain Chair***
- Crime Watch Chair - Becky Pierce
- Landscape Chair - Rod Gabel
- Memorial Day Celebration Chair - Jill Jones
- Neighborhood National Night Out Chair***
- Nominating Chair - Grant Van Blaricum
- Ridgelawn Trail Chair - Erin & Sean Jett
- Social Chair - Neli Ortega
- Technology Chair - Wynne McNabb Cunningham
- University Meadows Gateway Chair***
- Veteran’s Chair - Rod Gabel
- Volunteers In Patrol Chair - Larry Wainer
- Welcome Committee Chair - Mary Sisk
***Open positions
If you are interested in serving on or Chairing any of the above committees, please contact us at [email protected]
Or pay by check made out to University Meadows Neighborhood Association. Please mail to the below address:
P.O. Box 595352
Dallas, TX 75359-5352
P.O. Box 595352
Dallas, TX 75359-5352